More Change of Crew - Las Palmas
It was Jules turn to fly home and David Mark’s time to fly out.
Jules got a taxi after breakfast and Mark did a stock take, which took some time. We filled the water tanks, did the usual washing and cleaning and Ben and Alex went shopping. Our little fridge (beer fridge) had not been working for a while, so I arranged for a man to come to look at it. The refrigerant coolant had gone which was what was suspected. We also had an intermittent switch on our crane and that was repaced too. Two good jobs done.
David arrived about 12.45pm bearing gifts for me – two new tilley hats – one blue one white. So for those who read about the loss of my hat in Tavira - this was now resolved. It was good to have David back on board again with his south African accent talking away and telling stories. We all had a roll for lunch and then the shopping party departed to provision for the next week. They returned with several bags full - we are not going to starve.
I cleaned the outside and dealt with any rusty bits. When we were done Ben, Alex and I went off the beach for a swim which was very warm and pleasant. We had a cheeky beer on the way back and a refreshing shower on return.
Ben cooked a fish dish which was great which we enjoyed in the cockpit chatting and enjoying the moment. It had been a useful day and we now wanted to move on to explore more. The issue was unfortunately the wind forecast was very light for the next week. We looked at a number of options and we will see the state of play am
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions – do email me on