Year 2 –12 January 2024 -New Zealand to Sydney- Day 6

Kevin and I were on the 05.00am to 8.00am watch and we had motored all night and the wind refused to budge from the 5-9/10kt range with the majority at the lower end. The sun, however, was coming up and it looked to be a pleasant warm day with some high pressure small fluffy clouds.

We had an early breakfast of fruit and granola and yoghurt. We were under the 500nm barrier to go and it was frustrating not to be able to sail. If we were not rushing to get into Sydney before the evening of the 15th due to weather we could have just slowly poodled along in the warmer sunny weather. We were heading for a waypoint some 50nm south of Lord Howe Island which I had considered visiting but due to timing of crew and weather we are not able to. Unless an emergency you have to apply for permission to visit and there are all sorts of regulations you have to comply with.

Lord Howe Island is an irregularly crescent-shaped volcanic remnant in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, part of the Australian state of New South Wales. It lies 780 km (480 mi; 420 nmi) northeast of Sydney. It is about 10 km (6.2 mi) long and between 0.3 and 2.0 km (0.19 and 1.24 mi) wide with an area of 14.55 km2 (3,600 acres), though just 3.98 km2 (980 acres) of that comprise the low-lying developed part of the island. The island is named after Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, the first Sea Lord of the Admiralty at that time.

It is a world heritage site and the pictures remind me of Bora Bora and it is the most southern coral atoll in the world. It has a population of about 300 and only 400 visitors are allowed at any one time. The first reported sighting of Lord Howe Island took place on 17 February 1788, when Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball, commander of the Armed Tender HMS Supply, was en route from Botany Bay to found a penal settlement on Norfolk Island. On the return journey, Ball sent a party ashore on Lord Howe Island to claim it as a British possession. It subsequently became a provisioning port for the whaling industry and was permanently settled in June 1834. When whaling declined, the 1880s saw the beginning of the worldwide export of the endemic kentia palms, which remains a key component of the island's economy. The other continuing industry, tourism, began after World War II ended in 1945.

Most of the island is virtually untouched forest, with many of the plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Other natural attractions include the diversity of the landscapes, the variety of upper mantle and oceanic basalts, the world's southernmost barrier coral reef, nesting seabirds, and the rich historical and cultural heritage.

By mid-morning I had heard from our weather man Bruce who advised us to get into port by Tuesday afternoon latest. He said that the wind should come in later in the day and then we may have some thunderstorms in the night with gusts up to 35 kts potentially.

We continued to motor unfortunately, but got in with it. Our 24 hour run was 173 nm and we had wraps for lunch. The daily checks over the last few days had revealed a few things. The pins on the anchor roller at the windless had rusted and need replacing. I had one spare but we need some more. The fixings for the bimini on the doghouse roof needed tightening. The plug chain had broken. These may seem small but things like this happen when a boat is used and maintenance is an important element of life on board.  Mark has been very good with his hands and fixed quite a few things.

The crew are now getting into the routine and there is now familiarity with the boat and a greater ease and speed of how things are done. We are all in good spirits and enjoying the experience. Kevin has been fishing hard but the fish seeming to be winning with a number of lures being lost. He has determination and may try the 300lb line tomorrow.

The engine pushed us nearer every hour and when Kevin and I were on again at 4.00pm we hoped we would be able to sail. We tried twice and the wind was not enough to maintain the speed we needed. We therefore continued to eat up the miles under engine.

Grant had spent quite a long time preparing a lamb curry with spinach. It was delicious and quite mild with a hot chili sauce for those who were tempted. This was probably the best curry we have had on board and we have had a few.

We settled down for the night and the anticipated thunderstorms. We chatted through the weather and our sail plan and we now have the push of the last two days. We are approaching the area of the notorious Eastern Australian current which we have to contend with. This is a current which runs down part of the Australian coast and when in full flow can run at 4 kts. It runs south and can produce large seas when there is a southerly wind (as they then oppose each other) which there will be on the evening of the 15th hence why we wish to get in before then. It is 15-60nm wide and pushes out toward Lord Howe Island so we will go North a little to take advantage of the back eddies and then use it to push us south toward Sydney as we get close to the coast.  

We prepared for the night and handed over at 8.00pm still on the engine as the wind had yet to come.

The picture of the day is the crew resting and watching in the cockpit.   

Need/Opportunity Year Two

I am in need of more crew from April to September so if of interest do email me at  

In year two I will be going from New Zealand to Sydney and hen up the Eastern Australian Coast, Indonesia and then through Bali, Singapore and on to Thailand to end year two about the end of November 2025.

The blog will continue as we continue the journey. If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog then do email me on 



Year 2 –13 January 2024 -New Zealand to Sydney- Day 7


Year 2 –11 January 2024 -New Zealand to Sydney- Day 5